To kick off your holiday weekend right, I offer this amusing compendium of disastrously placed ads.
And as a Greenpointer both bemused and bewildered by my neighboring Williamsburgers, I found this video pretty delightful (h/t Megan McArdle).
I could enjoy in advance this CD agreeably.
Lobbying against Clause 28 [legistlation that aimed to prohibit local authorities from publishing material condoning homosexuality or from referring it to in state schools as an acceptable lifestyle], McKellen used his connections to buttonhole politicians, including one of Britian's most fervid anti-gay spokesmen, Michael Howard, who was later the Conservative Party leader. After a fruitless meeting, Howard requested an autograph for his children. McKellen obliged. "Fuck off! I'm gay," he wrote.
ROME - A fire on the set of "Rome," a completed HBO series on the
ancient empire, has damaged part of the famed Cinecitta film studios.
No one was reported injured.
The blaze, which started late Thursday, burned through about 32,000
square feet, firefighters said. The sprawling complex on the outskirts
of Rome covers more than 715,000 square yards, including buildings,
gardens, movie sets and offices.
... Officials said no damage occurred to the studio next door which
contains the sets and sound stage for a Danish TV production of
"Fiddler On The Roof." Apparently, though, most of the studio's
maintenance and grounds crew were working on Fiddler while Rome was
“Doing theater in L.A. is like building a snowman in Hawaii."
--Actor/director Jillian Armenante
Hey. Do you know of any site-specific theatre happening in New York next week? I'm going to see a show at the Living Theatre, but I can't find anything outside of a performance space.
In my thirties, I wrote two novels and learned that the central problem of fiction is the narrator: Who is he? How does he know what he claims to know? What’s his relationship to the characters? To the author? I never really solved the problem, which may be why I haven’t written a third. In nonfiction, including journalism, it’s less complicated: the narrator is the author; what he knows is based on experience, research, and thought. The most difficult narrative problem is how much to hide or reveal himself. But in plays these vexing questions are mercifully moot: the characters speak for themselves.